Thursday, February 17, 2011

A day in the life...

Hello all.

    In today's world all mothers have to juggle a multitude of tasks at once.  My own version of multitasking is running a load of laundry, sorting the bills, and having a telephone conversation explaining the benefits of a software program to a potential customer as my son tries to climb over the barricade set up on the other side of the room.

    My son is ten months old.  The barricade is not meant for climbing.

    I press "mute" on my phone and clear my throat.

    "Buddy - no."

    Buddy jumps and turns around to see my face.  He deliberates.  I glare. He moves away. I press the mute button again and answer the question.

"Yes, you set up route sheets..."

    I am a wife and a mommy and an employee - all at the same time!  Unlike most working mothers, I work from home while I watch my 10 month old curiously explore/climb/trash/play in our house.  I have done this since he was 4 weeks old so despite the example above he's actually very good at playing on his own between our play times and his naps.

    My job is commission based with lots of sales calls so it gets interesting when (my son) Buddy's on the other side of the room trying to climb over barricades I put in front of the T.V. while I am stuck on a corded phone in the middle of a demo call.:-)

    Long before I was married or even thought of having a kid I took a writing course and wanted to see if I could get published.  I ended up quitting the course when I got engaged because life filled up so quickly and then it just got busier from there.  I was offered to start the course again a few weeks ago and I decided to try a blog instead. Blogs, after all, are much cheaper. I am writing this blog to share my thoughts on balancing life, create ideas that stretch my horizons, and generally have a good time.  Welcome to my life - the Mommy at Work.


  1. Wow, it's pretty amazing that you can work from home while watching your son and getting the housework done. I can definitely identify with the juggling act. I would probably get a lot more done if I taught my son to play on his own more. He wants to do everything with me! I frequently fall into the temptation of letting him watch YouTube while I do work on the computer. Keeps him quiet, but I feel guilty for letting him watch so much TV. I try to keep it under 30 minutes a day, but sometimes . . . A thought for you--I bet cordless headphones would make your life a little easier.
